

Narcigesis – A biblical hermeneutic where one reads themselves into the bible and writes God out of it.

Narciguesswork – A biblical hermeneutic used when a preacher not only reads himself/herself into the text, but encourages the audience to guess how they too can read themselves into the text.

Narpocrite – a type of narcissist so caught up in their own self aggrandisement that they spout advice or teaching that contradicts their own teaching, character or lifestyle.
Word origin: Merging of “narcissist” and “hypocrite”.

Nebuchanoodling – when the congregation follow out the irrational instructions of their pastor without thinking. The origin of the word came from Lesego Daniel who got his congregation to eat grass.
Word origin: Merging of “Nebuchadnezzar” and “doodling”.

Neuron-free-zone – a church or conference run by a pastrix. A liberal church. A brain of either a liberal or a pastrix.

Nonsensegesis – when someone eisegetes absolute nonsense from the bible.
Word origin: Merging of “nonsense” and “eisegesis”. 

Norrisitus – a mental condition where a person thinks, attempts or boasts they can outdo Jesus and His works.
Word origin: Chuck Norris – enough said.

Nuremberg –
1) a type of “church” that presents itself as a movement (will often hear praise or a reichsparteitag given at these events).
2) A type of conference that presents itself as a movement (will often hear praise or a reichsparteitag given at these events).
3) A reichsparteitag.